Sunday, September 04, 2005

Brasão da família - family blazon

Brasão da família Hollas

Hollas family blazon

Este é o brasão da família, criado por volta do ano 1060.

This is the family blazon, criated around the year 1060.

Thursday, September 01, 2005



There are indications and registrations that the name Hollas exists since the year 1.000 of our era. Originally with a " alone L ". Genealogical studies place the clanic origin in the steppes of the Trans Carpácia, among trainers of wild horses. In fact, there are historical registrations of the existence of the name in 1445, when the clan all migrated of the Trans Carpácia to Europa Central. It was there that received one more " L " and some variants: Olis, Holos, Hollas, Hallas, Hollis...
Also there is registration of existence of Hollas in Great Britain in 1060.

This area became, in the XIX century , the principality of Bohemia, a disturbed area and of many conflicts (it was there that the happened
murder of the prince Ferdinand that originated to I World War). These conflicts made most to migrate again, first to Scotland, England and Germany, later to the americas.

For Brazil there was just one family migrating, Josef Hollas, his wife Magdalena Tobis and their five or six children, that gave origin the all the Hollas in Brazil.

Religiously Hollas are Catholic Roman, with many priests and nuns among them, just some, in Brazil, stuck to other confessions, as my branch of the family, for not finding Roman Catholic church in the places where went to live.